Warm Shrimp Salad and a Dash of Modesty

neurontin 300mg warnings September 30, 2010

shrimp salad recipe with mango

Modesty is a very attractive quality in people and I encourage it. If you find yourself hoping to be humbled, why don’t you dunk your grimy hands into a 20-pound bucket of potatoes and peel them? It’ll center you, I think, and it’ll teach you 1.) you are not above hand cramping and 2.) at the end of the day, you’re still a potato peeler.

This is what I do sometimes on Thursday nights working at Nectar Restaurant and I recommend it to anyone who doesn’t 1.) have a husband to remind them that eating two Lean Cuisines isn’t a diet or 2.) have a dog to relieve themselves on their newly-planted mums. It’s good to be humble.

Just ask shrimp.

They’re bottom-feeders. They have no pride. And being called a shrimp isn’t exactly a compliment. Still, you have to agree they’re quite delicious, especially when you see the picture I took of them bathed a mango habanero dressing.

Bam. Yes, I did just do that.

And that.

This recipe is simple but it combines the flavor and texture of sweet mango and spicy habanero pepper. You can adjust the spiciness according to your taste but, in my opinion, the below measurement will warm the back of your mouth without blowing it out. You’ll be surprised how much the mango dulls it down and pulls it together. And as with any salad, freshness is key.

With sauteed ginger and a hit of cilantro, you might find it hard to be modest when serving this salad. But you should still try.


Shrimp Salad with Mango, Habanero and Wilted Arugula

Serves 2


1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
2 mangoes, peeled and diced
1 habanero, seeds removed and minced
3 cloves garlic, minced
3/4″ piece of ginger, minced
2 cups arugula
1 tbs canola oil
2 tbs rice vinegar
3 tbs Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Cilantro, diced, to taste
Kosher salt, to taste
Pepper, to taste


Coat a large saute pan with canola oil and saute shrimp over medium high heat. Add garlic, ginger, habanero and mango and stir until shrimp are cooked. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add half the arugula to the pan and wilt.

Pour salad into a bowl and add remaining arugula. Add oil and vinegar. Season again to taste and mix well. Finish with chopped cilantro.[/print_this]

{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

Jen September 30, 2010 at 9:48 am

That’s so funny about shrimp. My husband thinks of shrimp, crab, and lobster as the insects of the ocean. I have to agree with him, but I try to ignore that fact while I enjoy eating them!!


Barb Cooper September 30, 2010 at 11:49 am

Sounds delicious! May I copy the recipe and use for handouts at our Findlay Market location? (Giving credit, of course, to our good friend at Epi-ventures?


Courtney October 1, 2010 at 1:46 pm

Of course.. I’d be honored!


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