5 Minutes with Chef Matt Buschle from Virgil’s Cafe

April 13, 2010

Post image for 5 Minutes with Chef Matt Buschle from Virgil’s Cafe

Virgil’s Café in Bellevue, Kentucky is fast becoming one of the most buzzed about restaurants in town. But chef/owner, Matt Buschle, is all about keeping it slow and casual. Here’s a quick peek into the mind of the man himself.

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“I don’t see it very often but we sometimes get guests that just don’t get it. Opening this restaurant has made me realize that if a place is not clearly defined, it leaves the concept open to individual interpretation. I try to explain that this is just a scratch-made restaurant, plain and simple. We disappoint diners if their expectations are too high or if we’re unable to get them to slow down, relax and have a good time. It keeps me awake at night when I can’t connect with a guest on that level. It makes me nuts!”

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“Marshmallow fluff. Unbelievably versatile.”

On the best dish at Virgil’s Cafe:
“That’s hard to say. Best for who? For me, hands down any of the bread we bake when it comes out of the oven. Bread is honest, straight-forward comfort food made from the simplest of things. I will bake bread for the rest of my life and still not have it down — it is a constantly evolving and elusive challenge.”

On his worst cooking experience:
“I cooked three meals a day for 150 people for four days on a movie shoot in Adams county, Ohio. The kitchen available was residential at best. There was no refrigeration and just an infrared cook top. There were lots of outdoor fires.”

On his most interesting interesting hobby:
“I make jewelry and work with gold, silver and platinum. I do lapidary work. It’s high-craft stuff — much like cooking.”

On what makes him want to get up every day and cook:
“Finances and praise! I have to cook because the restaurant needs to continue to grow and my labor is practically free. But cooking is also a performance. Anyone who cooks for a living does it on some level for the immediate response they get from an audience. Chefs respond the same way an actor or comedian does when they get applause or laughter. This is the food service illness that makes us work the hours and endure the sometimes brutal conditions.”

Virgil’s Café is at 710 Fairfield, Ave., Bellevue, KY. (859) 491-3287

{ 5 comments… read them below or add one }

Heather513 April 13, 2010 at 6:02 am

Lovely interview. Virgil’s is amazing. I ‘get’ and embrace what Matt Buschle’s is doing and am glad you are spreading the foodie love!!


Cathy April 13, 2010 at 9:36 am

I consider a meal at Virgil’s a very enjoyable treat. Good food, good people, good time!


emily April 13, 2010 at 10:02 pm

i love this post. but most of all i love your graphics and layout. your blog looks AMAZING courtney. very magazine like and super cool. gorgeous.


limewire April 29, 2010 at 8:06 pm

shoot sweet story man.


justmarylou September 30, 2010 at 10:18 am

Nice article! we have known Matt for quite a few years from when he cooked at a great cafe in Ft. Thomas, The Aurora Cafe. What a fun and funky place it was, most definitely casual but never boring.. how could it be? Matt was the main cook there.. when the owner closed the restaurant, Matt went into jewelry business, but food was his true calling, wound up as a chef at Irish Pub in Covington but still not what he wanted.. when he started working on Virgil’s, my husband and I knew it would be something special. He took such care in putting it all together and the materials he used. Matt is a great chef and takes such pleasure in making people happy with his food. We “get it” and it is always a treat to eat at Virgil’s.


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